When you have worked at a company for a long period of time, with the same amount of income you may wonder why you aren’t earning more. It might make you think that you should get a pay rise.
However, in order to get this pay raise you may need to seriously impress your boss in order to get the money you feel you should be making in order to earn a higher income.
In order to earn this pay rise you will also need to take several steps, in order to have a pay review analysis, which will then either lead to you getting a pay rise or staying at the same income.
With that being said, let’s get into it and tell you how you could possibly get a pay rise, keep reading to find out more.
Take initiative
If you go and do things that will benefit both your boss and the team that you work with, then this will show your upper management that you are competent, and motivated to aid the company.
On top of that you will make life easier for your supervisor and it will improve the efficiency of where you work.
Maintain a positive attitude
It’s incredibly important to develop a good relationship with the people that you work with. In order to make the workplace a happy and fun environment. People who radiate positivity in the workplace are more than often seen by the leadership as essential and impactful.
On top of this if you are kind to your colleagues then you are making allies that can vouch for you when you are considered for a promotion or pay rise.
Keep Learning
Don’t forget to keep developing your skills and expand your knowledge things like:
- Asking thought provoking questions
- Shadow your supervisors
- Reading educational books
- Taking courses
- Attending conferences
If you are continuously learning and improving, then you are demonstrating how committed you are to the company and yourself.
You may even get an offer from your work to pay for the expenses.
Set goals for your career
One thing you can do is to take time out of your day to think and evaluate what you want from your career path, and to establish goals. When you have a clear idea of where you want things to go, then you can start taking those future steps.
This is really important because despite being hard working is great, so is being motivated, committed and having clear cut objectives which will help you achieve your goals.
Set reasonable expectations
It might be worth spending time and doing research on the earning potentials for other people in the industry that you work in. You can do this by searching online through several sites, as well as asking friends and family members who have the same experience as you.
Once you know the salary range for your job title you can then set realistic expectations, this will then help you to effectively negotiate a new pay increase.
Schedule a meeting
If you arrange a scheduled time to discuss with your boss your career growth, it will give them time to properly prepare for the conversation. Find a time that works for both you and your manager.
Make sure that they know your intentions and expectations before the meeting.
Communicate clearly
Employers have a huge amount of responsibility in managing tasks and large groups of people, this means that it can be hard for them to monitor each employee closely.
In some cases they may not even realise that you are unhappy with the pay that you are earning, unless you actually tell them that you are.
Be honest with your supervisor and tell them what work you have been doing, and done.
Be Patient
Patience can be extremely important, if you have demonstrated your value and shown that you are worth it, then a pay rise will be on the cards. You just have to wait for your employer to be ready.
Pick the right time
You can be hard working and proving that you are worth every day, but sometimes there can be a wrong time to ask for a pay raise. If you haven’t been there for a long time you are not as likely to earn that raise compared to someone who has been.
The best times to ask would be:
- When things are calm
- After you have completed a big project
- During your annual performance evaluation