How Keyword Research Can Help You Improve Your Google Rankings Post Preview

keyword research

Keyword research can help you identify the best keywords, especially those that aren’t saturated in the search engine. There are four key areas to focus on: finding low-volume, seasonal, and evergreen keywords. Then, use these keywords in the content. As a result, your website can become more profitable and appear higher in search results. Visit to learn more.

Identifying transactional keywords

Once you have a list of the top keywords most likely to generate sales, the next step is to analyze each one and find the most effective ones. While intent analysis is time-consuming, it can lead to valuable hidden gems for your campaigns. The suitable filters can help you find the most profitable keywords at the lowest cost per click (CPC) while improving your SEO.

Generally, searchers with a purchase intent are more likely to click on a link on the first page of Google’s search results than those without a purchase intent. However, transactional keywords are often the most lucrative when it comes to improving your pay-per-click results. This is because these terms include words that create urgency or desire. In addition to identifying these keywords, they can also help you improve your search engine optimization strategy by targeting them with ads.

Finding keywords with low monthly search volume

If you’re not interested in SEO, consider using keywords with low monthly search volumes. These keywords might not get as much traffic as high-volume ones but can provide high ROI for your website. They’re also more relevant so that they can boost your rankings. Low-volume keywords are helpful for niche markets, like B2B tech. However, it’s best to focus on bottom-of-funnel keywords, such as “online marketing tools.” In addition, use a buyer persona to avoid missing particular long-tail keywords. Finally, map your keywords into your content plan for a streamlined strategy. After all, it’s not easy to beat the competition and improve your SEO if you don’t have a plan.

Identifying evergreen keywords

When you optimize your content for SEO, you should try to use evergreen keywords in your content. These are keywords that remain relevant over time and are associated with a particular brand or product. Evergreen keywords are ideal for businesses that have a strong brand identity and need to promote a product or service that is still popular. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to identify these keywords. If you’re unsure which ones to use, you can use Google Ads Keyword Planner.

One way to improve the ranking of your website with evergreen content is to update your content continuously. Keeping your content updated will increase your ranking chances and cement your place on the SERP. However, do not keep updating content that is already optimized. It’s better to focus your time and energy on posts that rank well and stay on the SERPs for longer. To make sure you have a steady stream of evergreen content, you can check the rankings of your competitors’ pieces and update your content accordingly.

Identifying seasonal keywords

If you want to increase your visibility on Google, you can take advantage of seasonal searches. You can determine which keywords have the highest traffic during the holiday season by checking search trends. You don’t want to waste your time on irrelevant keywords, so it’s good to test several seasonal keywords before investing too much time. To do this, you can use free tools like Google Trends to measure keyword popularity. These tools also let you see how your chosen keywords have performed over time.

One way to use Google Trends is to use the monthly search data. While many keywords have steady demand throughout the year, others are influenced by seasonality. For example, if you’re selling flowers, you might consider seasonality for your flower shop. For instance, if you sell spring flowers, you might want to sell them around Mother’s Day. Therefore, these search terms will likely spike, so it’s a good idea to target those keywords during these times.

Using Google’s ‘People also ask’ section.

One of the most exciting features on the SERP is Google’s ‘People also ask’ box, which generates related questions from your keyword. These related questions can dive deeper into your search query or diverge from it altogether. This is an example of how Google uses semantics to anticipate what people are likely to search for. If you are trying to rank for your keyword, it’s essential to focus on the intent of the question and the valuable details to provide a relevant answer.

In addition to showing related questions, the People Also Ask box will also appear in search results. This feature can boost your organic click-through rates if you’re optimizing for a specific keyword. The more relevant questions appear at the top of the SERP, the more likely you’ll be seen by potential customers. If you’re not using this feature, consider using it to get more organic traffic.

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About the Author: Sambit