![Signs That Your Smartphone Needs to Be Secured](https://kidsearncash.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/smartphones-683x414.jpg)
The idea that your smartphone may be the reason that all of your private data is revealed is indeed a scary thought. However, the chance that your Mediacom phone reveals any of your personal data is very unlikely. The fact is, most of us don’t use home telephones anymore since the dawn of the smartphone. Smartphones are even more practical then cellular phones, from which they evolved. Smartphones allow you to store your data and take it with you on the go. Smartphones also allow us to access the internet, which has become an integral part of our daily lives. They have changed how we communicate with each other, now relying more on applications that actual cellular services. You now have the ability to download and upload data, which is where the cyber criminals come into play.
We use our devices to communicate with family and friends all while carrying out a majority of daily internet activities such as online banking. Your data is valuable, there is simply no denying this fact. Your list of contacts are important even if you place no value on them. In the wrong hands, your data can be used to manipulate you, both with and without your knowledge. Imagine if someone happened to use the information to blackmail or defame you for the sheer entertainment value. Imagine if your data is sold to the highest bidder and you just happen to become the target of a criminal with ill intent. It is crucial to know if you have been compromised since it will affect your actions now and in the future. Knowing when your internet enabled devices have been compromised is very important and there are some telltale signs which most of us dismiss as an old battery or a hard reboot.
The first rule about your internet enabled devices such as smartphones, tablets, televisions, homes automation systems, smart thermometers, smart cars, drones, smart watches, laptop/desktop computers and video games consoles, is that they should only turn on or off if you command them to do so. The list of internet enabled devices is obviously longer but if your device decides to have a mind of its own and restart then your system might be trying to run an unauthorized program which is why your device is booting up, because it’s trying to gain authorization. Those random reboots after you got the battery replaced on your iPhone may mean someone has taken control of your device without you knowing about it. All devices have a safe operating temperature and will turn themselves off to limit functionality when overheated. Which means that overheated message on your smartphone or the shutdown of your gaming computer are legit.
Additional power consumption is another sign that your device may be compromised and therefore you should be aware of rapid power drains. An addition, script or apps running in the background will consume resources and result in slower performance and power consumption. Checking the functions running on my computer is how I located the spyware that was running in the background of my Windows operating system. More smartphone manufacturers are installing battery optimizers and software to determine battery health which allows you to determine if it is the battery that needs replacing. This must be said, only install official applications from trusted sources, otherwise you are risking your security and privacy.
It’s always a good idea to keep an eye on the amount of data being consumed, this data can be obtained by contacting your ISP and simply asking. Background applications, especially the unauthorized ones, consume data and most have been created so that they consume the least amount of data. It may be harder to detect some of the simpler methods mentioned. The network and cellular data setting on your smart devices allow you to select what can and cannot use data on your device. Limiting which applications are authorized to use data when connected to a specific network is a good way to keep your monthly data use down. When it comes to computers you can limit access via network settings and for the pesky applications that are launched when Windows boots, you have the ability to limit the startup application. One clear sign that your device has been infected are web pages that open up by themselves when accessing the internet via your internet browser.
We are all hoarders of data because of the significant increase of storage space in smart devices, we love to hold on to things that don’t matter. I, in fact, need to purge data that I have been holding on to for the last 6 months, which mostly consists of music and memes. If you are not using it then you should get rid of it, it is in fact that simple and should be applied to all devices. The applications that aren’t being utilized should be uninstalled to free up storage space and eliminate vulnerabilities. Those memes may actually house spyware because it was downloaded from the internet, which can be a dirty place.
Get rid of your junk, free up space, and eliminate potential security loopholes. Keep in mind that is also important for you to keep everything up to date as well. Make sure that the firmware and operating systems on your devices are up to date. Most updates bring security updates and features with them. Most people don’t want to update because it may slow things down in terms of the user interface, but it needs to be done regardless.
Most applications, when they are uninstalled, leave traces of their existence and can possibly replicate itself continually and require you to locate and manually delete it. For a smartphone, you will need a trusted applications manager such as ES File Explorer to access storage and operating files. If the infected file can’t be found in your storage then it’s in your operating system. The simplest manner of doing this is by resetting everything back to the way it was when it first arrived.
Most physical devices have a hard reset or a combination of buttons that need to be pressed. Resetting your device should be your last option but if that just happens to be the end result then make sure to back up your data. If you are successful in locating the piece of data which has created the headache then the reset can be avoided. For instance, when it comes to a personal computer, reinstalling Windows may be easier, but you will have to go through the pain of downloading and reinstalling all your applications but you also get to back up your data and get everything up to date.