It may seem obvious to some, but proper project management is actually not something that is common knowledge. In fact, it is common practice for certain types of companies to pay employees overtime to define, plan, and execute projects; you probably know what things that term means – you even have your project management program tapes to remember. When recruiting, think “return on investment.” That is how you will determine whether or not the recruiting and management investment is a good investment. As on a PRINCE2 project management training qualification.
If you are in a way like delivering services, you already have some kind of relationship with the organization and you can expect that mutual loyalty. However, if you are going to be providing the organization with a service different from having them do something, your investment needs to be considered from their perspective. On the other hand, if you are going to be providing something different from your organization, you need to be able to show just why the organization should implement it.
Once the consultant has the business team together, he or she will set a course with the individual needs of the organization. The team will consult with the consultant during a series of meetings, giving him or her time to control the meetings and guide the discussion. From that point on, the consultant will provide guidance and direction to the team. From that point on, the consultant will not be able to leave the advice to the members of the consulting team; he or she will be responsible for the advice or guidance is given.
When you take a look at it like that, interviewing is responsible for getting the consultant to identify the organization’s needs. At participated interviews, the consultant will need to be taken on as a resource, not just a resource for the business team. After the consultant’s input has been given, the working team will have had a chance to ask questions and ask questions about the consultant’s objectives. If the consultant’s relationship is worth the investment, the team will then return to the consultant to ask their questions.
The consultant tells the team and the team gives the consultant answers. When business members interview consultants, they are using the consultant’s expertise to its fullest, building a relationship with the consultant as if they were a long-term friend. The consultant will be comfortable with that opportunity and probably will see it as such. There are many advantages of presenting the consultant for an interview, most of which have to do with developing the relationship with the consultant, but there are a couple of reasons why it is good to do that.
First off, it gives the consultant time to answer questions. In a non-interview situation, the consultant may be tempted to just answer them whenever he or she gets the chance. When the consultant is interviewed, the time it takes members to prepare answers may enable them to focus on more pressing matters.
Also, traditional interviewing burdens the consultant. Wouldn’t it be easier and take less time to ask them a direct, yes or no question? That way, he or she will already have an answer in mind. At interviews, the consultant does have the opportunity to elaborate, highlight points, or talk about information. Because of the necessary preparation, he or she will really know why he or she must respond to a direct or open question.
Thus, it is in the consultant’s interest, not the business team’s, to make the process efficient, not labor-intensive. In the end, the only valuable interview is the one where one party can have some control over the process.
So, it is decision time.
Do you have a finite number of consultants on staff that you do not have time for an interview with? Should you have the interview anyway?
If you do, what do you do with the consultant? How do you get on with them? The long-term future of the company may be in doubt if you do not address these questions.