If you’re in the market for a new air compressor for framing nailer, it’s important to know what size nailer you need.
A framing nailer is one of those tools that require some serious power from your compressor up to 8 gallons per minute!
However, before purchasing an air compressor that meets this requirement or larger, be sure to check the pressure requirements on your nail gun. It may require a smaller tank and can save you money down the road.
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Things to look for in an air compressor
1. Tank capacity
Framing nail guns require a large capacity, but you can save money by purchasing an air compressor with a smaller tank.
The right size air compressor for framing nailers is one that has the capability to produce at least eight gallons per minute of compressed air. It’s important to note that this requirement only applies if you’re using nails thicker than ¼ inches (0.64 centimeters). However, before buying an expensive tool like this, make sure your current tools and gun will work with it! Some framings nail guns don’t need as much power or pressure coming from the compressor; these types may be more compatible with those requiring less power.
2. CFM
If you’re be using a nail gun that requires more power, then make sure your air compressor has the capability to produce at least 100 CFM.
Other features of an air compressor may include:
The ability to adjust pressure for different tasks (e.g., driving nails vs. inflating tires). Click for more.
A regulator with preset low-pressure settings for safety and precision work · An automatic shut off feature in case the unit runs out of oil or gas · Safety valves on all cylinders which release excess gas if there’s any damage caused by overinflation
It is important to know these things before making a purchase because they can affect how well your framing nailer will function! It typically takes 30 minutes for an air compressor to reach full pressure and another 30 minutes for it to cool off before you can use it again.
3. PSI (Pressure)
An air compressor’s pressure is measured in PSI (Pounds per Square Inch). The higher the psi, the more powerful it will be. You don’t need to go too high with this number, as you can overinflate your nailer and potentially damage it if there are any leaks or punctures from your nails.
A framing nailer typically needs around 30-80 pounds of pressure for best performance; anything below that may not provide enough power and anything above could cause problems if the unit has a leak!
4. HP
An air compressor’s horsepower is measured by the device’s ability to generate enough power for a specific task. The more HP, the better in most cases.
If you’re using your framing nailer on an intermittent basis, like while building one room of your house at a time, then you may not need as much PSI and therefore can go with a lower-powered unit.
However, if you are doing continuous work where it will be running all day long or near-constantly – such as when constructing decks for example – then going with something stronger would make sense.
5. Air-cooling system
An air-cooling system is the most advanced type of cooling system and should be considered if your compressor will be running for long periods.
It does this by blowing compressed air over a heat exchanger coil, which then releases the hot exhaust gas into an outdoor environment where it can dissipate more effectively.
If you think that might make sense for what you’re doing, check out our article on how to choose between oil- or water-cooled compressors.
6. Thermal protection
This is a setting that protects the compressor from thermal overload.
A more modern compressor will have an electronic control system that will constantly monitor the temperature of the lines and select one of two settings: either it’ll cool down in order to prevent over-heating, or else shut off completely as its last line of defense should everything go wrong.
7. Portability
The portability of a compressor is not usually the first thing you think about, but it’s something to consider if you’re looking for one.
Some compressors can be wheeled around on castor wheels or even pulled by hand when necessary – and they’ll still have enough power to do their job too (so long as your framing nailer isn’t heavy).
So before paying attention just to horsepower, take some time out and check what sort of mobility option the compressor has built into it.
8. Noise Level
The noise level of a compressor can be one of the most important factors in your decision especially if you’re going to work on projects at home.
Noise levels vary depending on the type and size of the compressor, but it’s worth checking out before buying just how loud a model is so that you know what sort of disruption to expect when using it.
If possible, make sure that there are soundproofing materials available for purchase separately from your air compressor too – as this will help reduce any background noises coming from its motor or pump while working indoors (or outdoors).
We sometimes forget about these things until we have them running next door! It’s wise not to invest money without finding out more first.
Which Air Compressor should you get?
The right air compressor for a framing nailer will be different than the one you need to power your paint spray gun.
Framing nailers are pretty low-powered machines, so most use an oil-free diaphragm or piston pump that can’t handle high volumes of gas and rely on their fast cycling time as opposed to pressure (though some do have higher pressures).
This is why they don’t require large amounts of compressed air – typically between psi and 200 psi at a fairly slow flow rate (~40 scfm) without any type of muffler.
It’s still best to consult with the manufacturer before making this decision because each model has its own unique specifications which might change these numbers slightly.
This blog post will help you to find the right size air compressor for your framing nailer.
Framing nailers require a small amount of compressed air, typically between 60 psi and 100 psi at a fairly slow flow rate (~20 cfm) without any type of muffler.
It’s best to consult with the manufacturer before making this decision because each model has its own specifications that may change these numbers slightly.